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Ultrapure Water for HPLC Analysis
The Role of Ultrapure Water
Ms. Katrin Töppner017%, Dr. Dirk Hansen2??5, Dr. Elmar Herbig?w?
1. Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH, Goettingen, Germany
2. Phenomenex, Aschaffenburg, Germany
3. Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG, Goettingen, Germany
HPLC is an analytical procedure for separation, identification and quantification of substances using liquid
chromatography. The beginnings of HPLC – High Pressure Liquid Chromatography – go back to the 60’s.
Thanks to improved column materials and equipment, it has come to be known as High Performance Liquid
Chromatography since the end of the 70’s.017%
In HPLC, the mixture to be separated is transferred to a column with a solvent (eluting agent) or with a solvent mixture
(eluant | mobile phase), by an injector and a pump. The column is a tube, in most cases of stainless steel, filled with the
so-called stationary phase (see also Fig. 1). The stationary phase usually consists of porous silica gel or polymer particles
with chemical ligands bound on their surface. These ligands are responsible for the selective interactions between the
analytes and the stationary phase, which are necessary for effective chromatographic separation. Depending on the
sample and stationary phase, the separation mechanisms involved are, for example, adsorption by Van der Waals forces,
ion exchange, ion exclusion, etc.
The substances of a sample are retained on the column packing material for different lengths of time and therefore exit
the column after different retention times. The individual components of the sample are then registered by a detector and
evaluated by a computer. The result is a chromatogram (?`#BFig. 1, 5, 6?pR?@. The number of peaks corresponds to the number of
separated components in the sample, and the area is proportional to the concentration of these separated components
(according to Kromidas 2000017%?pR?@. April, 2014
Keywords or phrases:
Ultrapure Water for HPLC Analysis
No ghost peaks – for optimal results
Find out more:
Application Note
Among the typical applications for HPLC is sugar analysis.
This was performed within the scope of various tests con-
ducted in order to characterize the quality of membranes.
On the one hand, membranes were tested for their ability
to remove sugar molecules and, on the other hand, the
activity of enzyme-immobilized membranes was deter-
mined. For this purpose, sugars, such as raffinose, glucose
and fructose, were assayed. These types of sugar can be
specifically detected by using enzymatic methods like the
GOD | POD assay for glucose2??5 or spectroscopic methods,
such as determination of fructose according to Dische &
In advanced analysis, sugar is now frequently assayed
by thin-layer chromatography (?`#BTLC ?pR?@, gas chromatography
(?`#BGC?pR?@ and high-performance liquid chromatography
(?`#BHPLC?pR?@. These methods are used especially when mixtures
containing several types of sugar must be separated. ` @?
In HPLC as described here, the eluant must have especially
high physical and chemical purity, and may not contain sus-
pended mechanical particles or any dissolved substances
that can be released by the column at a delayed time
and thus generate a signal. The quality of a solvent is often
decisive for the reliability of an HPLC analytical run. The
presence of trace contaminants during gradient elution can
result in “ghost or phantom peaks”. Such trace substances
accumulate in the column during an analytical run and are
increasingly released when the eluting agent is subse-
quently changed. Water used as an eluant must be free of
microorganisms. For this purpose, substances that prevent
the growth of microbes and algae in the solvent mixture,
such as copper salts or sodium azide, can be added. ` @? In
doing so, the column manufacturer’s recommendations
need to be followed as the use of incorrect additives can
result in irreversible damage to the column.
Deionized or distilled water still contains considerable
quantities of organic substances, which can cause ghost
peaks. ` @? Contaminated solvents can lead to the buildup
of deposits on the stationary phase and thus result in
blockage of the column, which would be manifested by
an increase in pressure and a shift in the running time for
the samples.
Employing Arium ® Pro VF to Purify
Water for Use as an Eluant
Water of the special quality required for HPLC can be
purchased from various manufacturers or be produced
directly on site for use on demand by employing a water
purification system, such as the Arium
® Pro VF system.
The following describes the tests performed for separation
of sugar mixtures in which ultrapure water produced by
® Pro VF was used as the mobile phase (eluant).
Description of the Arium ® Pro VF
Ultrapure Water System
The Arium ® Pro VF system (?`#BFig. 2?pR?@ has been designed to
produce ultrapure water from pretreated drinking water by
removing contaminants that are still present in this potable
water feed. Production of ultrapure water requires contin-
uous recirculation and a constant water flow rate, which
is achieved using a built-in pump system with controlled
pressure. The conductivity of the water is measured at
the feed water inlet and directly at the downstream port
(product water outlet). The Arium
® Pro VF system used in
the studies described in this paper (a predecessor model
with the same technical specifications as the currently
redesigned system shown next page) works with two
different cartridges. These are filled with a special active
carbon adsorber and mixed-bed ion exchange resins in
order to deliver ultrapure water with a low TOC content.
In addition, the system has an integrated UV lamp that
has an oxidizing effect at wavelengths of 185 | 254 nm.
Moreover, the Arium
® Pro VF ultrapure water system has a
built-in ultrafilter module used as a crossflow filter. The ul-
trafilter membrane incorporated in this filter retains colloids,
microorganisms, endotoxins, RNA and DNA. A 0.2 µm final
filter installed at the water outlet serves to remove particu-
lates and bacteria during dispensing of the ultrapure water
produced. The process that the unit employs to purify water
is depicted in Figure 3 (?`#Bflow diagram of Arium
® Pro VF?pR?@.
Materials and Method
The samples were analyzed using an HPLC Agilent
1200 Series system (?`#BFig. 4 and Table 1?pR?@ with a Rezex
RNM Carbohydrate Na
+ 8 % HPLC column supplied
by Phenomenex.8!&6r
This column is filled with a cross-linked polystyrene-
divinylbenzene-copolymer modified by sodium sulfonate
groups and uses an ion exclusion mechanism. This means
that analytes are separated based on different ionic inter-
actions. Because of the sulfonate groups on the surface
of this column packing material, the pores have a negative
charge. As a result, negatively charged molecules cannot
penetrate into the pores of the material, which causes them
to elute earlier. This ion exclusion mechanism is based on
Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium that governs the behavior of
ions near a membrane. Analytes that are able to penetrate
into the membrane’s pores are subsequently separated
based on steric differences as well as on hydrophobic and
polar interactions with the functional groups on the surface
of the stationary phase. For more details on this separation
mechanism, please refer to $??3X.
Figure 1: Typical Setup of an HPLC System
The retention times for various types of sugar are deter-
mined by the absorbance of the refractive index (?`#BRI?pR?@ signal.
This RI signal is expressed as a dimensionless number
in nano Refractive Index Units (?`#BnRIU?pR?@ and indicates the
difference between the refractive index of the sample in
the sample cell and the mobile phase in the reference cell.
Ultrapure water produced by the Arium
® Pro VF system was
used as the mobile phase. For degassing the eluant in the
HPLC system, this ultrapure water was filtered by
through a Sartolab BT 500 Bottle Top disposable unit
equipped with a 0.2 µm membrane (?`#BSartorius Sartolab BT
Figure 2: The Arium ® Pro VF ultrapure water system
(photo courtesy of Sartorius) Table 1: Equipment and MaterialsPC for
Data Acquisition
Solvent Injector
HPLC Column
Equipment CompanyArticle No.
Binary pump AgilentG1312A
Degasser AgilentG1379B
ALS autosampler AgilentG1329A
Thermostatted Column
Compartment (TCC) Agilent
Refractive Index
Detector, RID Agilent
Column Phenomenex00H-0136-KO
Rezex RNM
Carbohydrate Na+ 8 %
Procedure for HPLC Analysis
To prepare for the analytical runs, the Rezex column was
heated to 75 °C in the column compartment (heater) and
flushed overnight with Arium
® Pro VF ultrapure water at
0.6 mL/min. The optical unit of the RI detector was heated
to 35 °C. Samples to be analyzed were prepared using
® Pro VF ultrapure water and prefiltered through
a 0.2 µm syringe filter unit (?`#BSartorius Minisart ® RC4, no.
17822?pR?@. The samples were analyzed using HPLC according
to the parameters defined by an HPLC method8!&6r (?`#BTable 2?pR?@.
Figure 3: Schematic flow diagram of the Arium ® Pro VF ultrapure water system (the valves and their controllers are omitted for better clarity).
Flow rate [mL/min]0.6
Time [min]25
Maximum pressure [bar]70
Temperature of the Column Compartment [°C]75
Temperature of the RI detector [°C]35
Injection volume [µL]2
Sugar Retention Time [min]
Raffinose Fluka 834008.96
Maltose SIGMA M588510.30
Glucose ROTH 6887.012.53
Fructose SIGMA F012713.62
Concentration [mg/mL]Retention Time [min]Peak Area [nRIU*s]
0 --
0.015 8.96603
0.03 8.961,088
0.06 8.962.327
0.125 8.964,178
0.25 8.967,607
0.5 8.9615,097
1 8.9630,495
Table 2: HPLC method Table 3: Retention Times for Sugar Samples Passed through a Rezex
RNM Carbohydrate Na
+ 8 % Column
Table 3: Retention Times for Sugar Samples Passed through a Rezex
RNM Carbohydrate Na
+ 8 % ColumnProduct Water
UV Lamp (?`#B185
254 nm?pR?@
Pump Cartridge 1 Cartridge 2
Final Filter
0.2 µm
Conductivity Measurement
(Product Water)
Reject Water
Outlet Ultrafilter
Inlet Water
(Inlet Water) Sanitization Port
To determine the retention times of the individual types
of sugar (?`#BTable 3?pR?@, these were prepared and injected
individually (?`#BFig. 5?pR?@. As different sugars interact with the
stationary phase to a varying degree, specific retention
times are recorded by the RI detector once each sugar has
moved through the column. After the individual types of
sugar had been determined, a sugar mixture was prepared
and separated (?`#BFig. 5?pR?@. The individual sugar components
were separated from one another. The peaks for the dif-
ferent retention times could be allocated to the individual
sugar samples assayed. The effect of contaminants, or the
influence of salts, was simulated by injecting potassium
phosphate buffer and tap water (?`#BFig. 6?pR?@.
Injection of tap water with a conductivity of 265 µS/cm
and of potassium phosphate buffer with a conductivity of
1,700 µS/cm showed clear signals and can therefore be
distinctly identified as contamination.
Multiply-charged ions are especially prone to binding with
sulfonate groups. This alters the dissociation equilibrium
and can affect the retention time for a particular sugar.
For this reason, the mobile phase must be free of salts
and other contaminants in order to perform reliable HPLC
analysis with stable retention times and to avoid ghost
peaks. The Arium
® ultrapure water used in this analysis has a
conductivity of 0.055 µS/cm and is largely free of interfering
contaminants, which is expressed as a flat baseline without
peaks (see green baseline in Fig. 6). The column pressure
during the analytical runs consistently remained
at 23 bar (~334 psi).
This shows that no deposits had built up in the column.
Blank runs at the beginning and the end did not show any
change; i.e., there were no contaminants in the mobile
phase. Standard series with different concentrations were
analyzed to determine the reproducibility and detection
limit. Raffinose is given as an example of these series per-
formed. The retention times and peak areas were recorded
and are listed in the Table 4. The consistent retention
times repeatedly obtained show excellent reproducibility.
The raffinose standard series shows a linear curve up to
a concentration of 0.015 mg/mL (?`#BFig. 7?pR?@. By generating a
standard strait line based on the peak areas a quantification
of the sample, in this case raffinose is possible.
Figure 5: Separation of individually injected sugar samples and of a sugar
mixture using a Rezex RNM Carbohydrate Na + 8 % column with ultrapure
water. Black curve: sugar mixture
Figure 6: Chromatograms of 2 µL of 10 mM of postassium phosphate
buffer, 2 µL of tap water and 2 µL of Arium
® ultrapure water
Figure 4: HPLC Agilent 1200 Series system
(photo courtesy of Sartorius)
Potassium phosphate buffer
Tap water
Arium water
3000 2500
2000 1500
1000 500 0
0 510 1520 25
RI signal [nRIU]
Retention Time [min]
2000 1500
1000 500 0
0 510 1520 25
RI signal [nRIU]
Retention Time [min]
Copyright Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG
Status: 09 | 2020
The studies performed and the excellent experience
obtained in using Arium ® Pro VF ultrapure water as a mobile
phase in HPLC are to be extended in the near future to
other separation technologies, such as reversed phase
tography, size exclusion chromatography
or ultrahigh- performance liquid chromatography.
1. Kromidas, Stavros: HPLC für Neueinsteiger, from the
Internet, © by Novia GmbH, (?`#B2000?pR?@.
2. Hans Ulrich Bergmeyer, Methoden der enzymatischen
Analyse Band II, Verlag Chemie, page 1179, 1180 (?`#B1970 ?pR?@.
3. Dische, Z., and Borenfreund, E.: A New
Spectrophotometric Method for the Detection of Keto
Sugars and Trioses, J. Biol. Chem. 192, 583-587, (?`#B1951 ?pR?@.
4. Süsswaren, issue 10, page 7, LCI-Focus, (?`#B2006?pR?@.
5. Gottwald, W.: RP-HPLC für Anwender. Reihe: Die Praxis
der instrumentellen Analytik, Editor, Gruber, U., und Klein,
W., VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim, pages 7-8 (?`#B1993?pR?@.
6. Chromatography Product Guide 12/13, Phenomenex,
pages 232-233, (?`#B2012?pR?@.
7. Weiß, Joachim: Ionenchromatographie, Wiley-VCH
Verlag, Weinheim, Chapter 5, pp. 349 ff. (?`#B2001?pR?@.
The authors would like to take this opportunity to thank
Phenomenex based in Aschaffenburg, Germany, for
providing the Rezex RNM Carbohydrate column for their use.
First version in English published in G.I.T. Laboratory Journal
Europe 3-4, Volume 17, April 2014
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The results show that ultrapure water produced by Arium ®
Pro VF can be readily used as the mobile phase for HPLC
analysis of the water-soluble saccharides described in this
paper. The interactions of the sample with the stationary
phase are not affected by the mobile phase as the ultrapure
water that is produced with a conductivity of 0.055 µS/cm
can be considered virtually free of contaminants. As a result,
there are no salts present that would otherwise cause ghost
or phantom peaks. ` @? In addition, the results of the trials lead
to the conclusion that no deposits occur on the stationary
phase, which would otherwise be manifested by an increase
in pressure and a shift in the running times of the samples.
Therefore, Arium
® Pro VF ultrapure water, which can be pre-
pared on demand at any time, offers an affordable alternative
to commercially sold ultrapure water to prepare high-
purity eluants for HPLC analysis, as used in food analysis,
environmental analysis, as well as in medical, chemical and
biochemical research and during in-process quality control
testing in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.
30000 25000
20000 15000
10000 5000 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.01.2
Peak area [nRIU*s]
Concentration [mg/mL]
Figure 7: Standard series for raffinose (values from Table 4) passed through
a Rezex RNM Carbohydrate Na + 8 % column with Arium ® ultrapure water
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