Contenu du document
How to Set Up a Pipetting Quality
Control Program for Your Lab
Improve the Quality of Pipetting and Reliability of Results
Calibration, maintenance, and regular control of tools are essential to ensure the highest quality standards of
laboratory work. For pipettes, the best practice would be to do cali bration and maintenance according to the
manufacturer’s recommendations at least annually or biannually, as well as implement a program for regular
testing of pipette performance during use and between calibration intervals. This practical guide outlines the
requirements for in-lab testing program, as well as for professional calibration and maintenance services.
September 2018
Keywords or phrases:
Pipette Calibration, Pipette Maintenance,
Pipette Service, Pipette Control
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Application Guide
Many quality systems and standards, such as Good
Laboratory Practice (GLP), Good Manufacturing Practice
(GMP), and the ISO 9000 series require that a regular,
documented maintenance and calibration procedure must
be in place for all instruments. Some labs, especially
accredited laboratories, also require regular calibration of
pipettes in ISO 17025 certified accredited calibration facility
due to the security and traceability of results it brings. The
good quality program of pipettes is a combination of
regular day-to-day in-house checks and regular
professional calibration and maintenance.
Pipette Quality Control Program
To meet the regulatory and quality system requirements,
laboratories should have in place a documented program
for pipette quality control during use. A suggested program
based on best industry practices consists of the following
e DIn-lab testing routine, with pipette performance checked
in-lab regularly, such as daily, weekly or monthly
e DRegular calibration and maintenance of pipettes
performed at an accredited service laboratory, annually,
biannually or every 3 – 4 months.
In-Lab Testing Routine
In-lab testing routine includes a regular checking of
all pipettes in the laboratory for their systematic and
random error.
1. What Should Be Done?
The pipettes are checked using a balance or a photometer
and the systematic and random errors are calculated from
the results, compared against acceptance limits, and
recorded. This testing can be done by the actual users
of the pipettes, but the results should be checked and
documented by an independent party, such as quality
management personnel.
2. How Often?
The testing frequency is based on the risks associated with
the use of the pipettes—the testing interval should be in
ratio with the amount of work you can afford to lose if you
find the pipettes are out of specifications. Practices used in
various labs differ greatly, but a common testing routine is
monthly or weekly, sometimes even daily. Pipettes should
also be checked each time after autoclaving pipettes or
pipette parts. Performance check is also needed if a
pipette is dropped or if physical damage is suspected.
3. What is Needed?
For In-lab testing, you will need the following items:
e D4- or 5-decimal balance with pipette calibration setup
such as evaporation trap, or a photometer system
e DSoftware for calculating and recording results
e DDisposable tips, the same type as used with the pipettes
when in use
e DDe-ionized water or dye solutions if photometric
measurement is used
e DThermometer and barometer
e DStandard Operating Procedure document describing the
in-lab testing routine and the procedure for dealing with
pipettes that do not meet the acceptance criteria
4. What Acceptance Criteria Should Be Used?
The pipettes should be checked at 1–2 volumes, with
4–10 measurements each. The systematic and random
error should be compared against the limits defined
either by pipette manufacturer or ISO 8655.
5. What are the Outcomes of the Testing?
The in-house testing routine should provide the following
e DDocumented history of all the pipettes showing their
testing interval, testing dates, and at minimum the result
if they met the acceptance criteria or not
e DThe pipettes not meeting acceptance criteria should be
clearly marked and removed from use, and forwarded to
maintenance and calibration to resolve the issue
Calibration and Maintenance Program
Most laboratory quality systems require a regular calibration
and maintenance program for pipettes. Today, laboratories
commonly use an external service provider for this labor-
intensive work that requires highly sophisticated quality
1. What Should Be Done?
The pipettes should be maintained according to the
manufacturer’s instructions regularly. The maintenance
consists of the cleaning and greasing of pipettes, as well as
replacement of wearable parts. Alongside maintenance, the
pipettes should have their performance verified by
calibration—measurement of systematic and random error
along with any necessary adjustments.
2. How Often?
The testing frequency is based on the risks associated with
the use of the pipettes. The maintenance interval is affected
by such factors as pipetting frequency, liquids used, and the
age and model of pipette. A minimum maintenance interval
of one year is suggested, with calibration done annually or
more often, such as every 3–6 months. If, for example,
volatile liquids or solvents are used, maintenance should
be done more often.
3. What is Needed?
For a full maintenance and calibration of pipettes, the
calibration laboratory used should have at minimum:
e DFull ISO 8655 compliance, including controlled
environment in terms of temperature, vibration, and
e DAccreditation according to ISO 17025 standard with
traceability of measurements to international standards
e DBalances with a minimum of 5- and 6-decimals along
with evaporation traps or draft shields
e DSoftware for recording results
e DProfessionally trained technicians | engineers who
understand pipette technology and good pipetting
practices, as well as requirements set by regulatory
and quality systems
4. What Acceptance Criteria Should Be Used?
The pipettes should be measured at 2–3 volumes, with
4–10 measurements each, with systematic and random
error calculated and compared against the acceptance
limits. The limits defined in ISO 8655 or by the manufacturer
of the pipettes are suggested.
5. What Are the Outcomes of the Calibration?
The calibration and maintenance program should provide
at minimum:
e DDocumented records of all maintenance and repair
activities done to the pipettes
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pipettes, such as serial numbers and time of calibration,
tips used, measurement conditions, measurement
equipment and personnel
e DRandom error and systematic error should be calculated
and documented, along with acceptance criteria such as
pass | fail limits
Specifications subject to change without notice. Copyright Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the EU or US on paper bleached without chlorine. Version 1 | 06 | 2021
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Best Practices for Setting up the
Pipetting Quality Control Program
To work according to Good Laboratory Practice, a Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) for Pipette Quality Control
should be defined. Below are areas that should be described
at minimum in the SOP to guide laboratory personnel
through the process:
1. For in-lab testing routine, define:
a. Testing frequency
b. Testing equipment and environment
c. Personnel qualifications to conduct testing
d. Measured volumes and aliquot quantities
e. Acceptance criteria
f. How to record and store the results
g. Actions of isolating and marking pipettes not meeting
acceptance criteria
h. Procedures for evaluating the effect of failure on the
work performed with the pipette in question
2. For maintenance and calibration program, define:
a. Requirements for a calibration laboratory, ISO 8655
and ISO 17205 at minimum
i. Testing equipment, environment, and procedures
ii. Qualifications for maintenance and calibration
b. Calibration and maintenance frequency
c. Decontamination procedures for the pipettes before
d. Volumes tested and number of measurements
e. Acceptance criteria
f. Recording and documentation systems
g. Actions of isolating and marking pipettes not meeting
acceptance criteria
h. Procedures for evaluating the effect of failure on the
work performed with the pipette in question
3. For continuous education of laboratory personnel, define:
a. Training program for personnel on correct pipetting
techniques and ergonomics
b. Training on quality systems and standards related to
pipettes and pipetting
c. Documentation and qualification plans for personnel
Pipettes are precision tools that have significant influence on
results of scientific experiments. All laboratories working with
pipettes should have in place a regular program for not only
calibration and maintenance but also regular in-lab testing of
pipettes, using qualified personnel and correct equipment
for all work. To implement this quality program, the program
should be documented and controlled with Standard
Operating Procedures for laboratory personnel. The SOP
should cover all aspects of the program, including the
continuous training of personnel on pipettes and pipetting.
Do you need support in pipette service and maintenance?
Contact Sartorius for a Pipetting Academy training at
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vendredi 17 février 2023
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