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Are You Compliant When it
Comes to Pipetting?
Guidelines to Ensure Compliance with Good Laboratory and
Manufacturing Practices
Paulus Artimo 1*, Joni Åke 1, Emilia Varhimo 1
1. Sartorius Biohit Liquid Handling Oy, Laippate 1, 00880 Helsinki, Finland
* Correspondence
When developing or testing your medical device, there is always the question: are you following methods for current Good Lab-
oratory Practice (cGLP) or current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP)? In this practical guide, we’ve compiled a list that you
can follow to give you peace-of-mind on the topic of compliance.
Quality systems and standards regulating product development and manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and
the way clinical studies are conducted, such as GLP, GMP and ISO 9000 series, require that appropriate and technically valid
standard operating procedures (SOPs) are followed and a regular, documented maintenance and calibration process is in place
for all instruments.
In this guide, we’ll look into some tools and principles that can help with these demanding requirements, especially when it
comes to your pipetting practices. March 11, 2020
Keywords or phrases:
GMP, Good Manufacturing Practice, GLP, Good
Laboratory Practice, Quality system, compliance,
Application Note
Ensure That Standard Operating
Procedures Are Followed
Ensuring that appropriate and technically valid SOPs are
followed is a core requirement for GLP and GMP
compliance. In practice in the laboratory, this means
repeating the set work instructions, without deviations.
Many other processes at the workplace are already fully or
semi-automated, and this kind of assistance is also available
for laboratory work. Electronic pipettes, such as the
Sartorius Picus® NxT, can be used to simplify and speed up
workflows by allowing integration of SOPs to programmable
pipetting protocols. Once activated, the program
automatically adjusts the parameters after each completed
step. This reduces the possibility of human error that is apparent
when manually adjusting the pipette parameters. The
programs can be password protected (Fig. 1) to add an extra
layer of security to ensure proper protocol is followed.
The use of electronic pipettes has ergonomic benefits, and
also raises the pipetting performance and repeatability of
dispensing of inexperienced and moderately experienced
personnel to the level of experts (Fig. 2).
User-dependent sources of pipetting errors can
accumulate up to a 2% increase in the standard deviation,
according to ISO8655. So, use of electronic pipettes
eliminates these errors, because the electronic piston
movement ensures consistency.
Fig 2. The random error of dispensing 1000 µl, 500 µl and 100 µl using a 1000 µl m\?echanical or electronic pipette by inexperienced, moderately
experienced, and expert users from testing conducted by Sartorius. The standard ISO 8655 recognizes the major error sources and sources of variation
to be operator derived. Dispensing with mechanical pipettes is more likely to have operator derived variance compared to electronic pipettes, where
the system operates the piston consistently. Uneven piston movement and rhythm when manually operating the piston of the mechanical pipette is
known as the pipetting “handwriting”. Lab personnel may feel like an expert in pipetting, but when working according to GLP, an electronic pipette is
the best tool to eliminate these differences between users. Fig 1. Picus® NxT password protection option on display
How to Ensure That Instruments Are
Has someone in your lab ever forgotten to calibrate their
pipettes before the calibration due date set in your SOPs?
Most laboratories use sticker labels on pipettes, but they
are far inferior in helping you remember than the calendar
notifications you use for your other important dates.
Some electronic pipettes, such as Sartorius Picus® NxT,
can be set to enforce proper calibration interval by using
the calibration reminder option (Fig. 3). With the help of the
reminder, you will be aware of pipettes in the lab with
expired calibration, thus saving you from frustration you
experience when your work must be delayed to find a
calibrated pipette.
The last calibration date can be set into the pipette software
by trained service personnel and you can set a calibration
interval, after which the pipette notifies you of an upcoming
Forget about the sticker labels, as there is a more reliable
way to make sure calibrations are performed on time
What is the Correct Calibration and
Maintenance Interval?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions, but is
not all there is to it. Laboratories need a documented
pipette quality control program to meet regulatory and
quality system requirements.
The user is responsible for setting up the program,
according to ISO 8655, a standard for piston-operated
volumetric apparatuses.. The program should describe an
in-lab cleaning and testing routine, the calibration and
maintenance interval, and how to ensure continuous
education of your lab personnel.
Our suggestion for a two-tier program, that will ensure
continuous monitoring of pipetting deviations, is created by
adhering to the following guidelines:
e D In-lab cleaning and testing routines, with pipette
performance checked in-lab regularly, for instance, daily,
weekly, or monthly
e D Regular calibration and maintenance of pipettes
performed at an accredited service laboratory, annually,
biannually, or even every 3 – 4 months.
Anyone who has set up a Quality Program knows that the
first steps can be challenging, but to get you started, we
have added guidance in the supplemental material.
500 µl 100 µl
1000 µl
Random error %
2.5 2
1.5 1
0.5 0 Inexperienced Moderately
experienced Experts
µl 100 µl
1000 µl
Random error %
2.5 2
1.5 1
0.5 0 Inexperienced Moderately
experienced Experts
Mechanical Pipette
Electronic Pipette
Section II
Good Laboratory Practuice Principles
1. Test Facility Organisation and Personnel
1.1 Test Facility Management’s Responsibilities
1. At a minimum it should:
(e) Ensure that appropriate and technically
valid standard operating procedures are
established and followed, - -
Fig 3. Picus® NxT calibration reminder on display.
Section II
Good Laboratory Practuice Principles
4. Apparatus, Material, and Reagents
2. Apparatus used in a study should be
periodically inspected, cleaned, maintained,
and calibrated according to Standard
Operating Procedures. Records of these
activities should be maintained. Calibration
should, where appropriate, be traceable to
national or international standards of
Supplement 1
In-Lab Testing Routine
An in-lab testing routine includes a regular check of all
pipettes in the laboratory for systematic and random error..
1. What Should Be Done?
Pipettes are checked using a balance or a photometer, the
systematic and random errors are calculated from the
results, compared against acceptance limits, and recorded.
This testing can be done by the actual users of the pipettes,
but the results should be checked and documented by an
independent party, such as quality management personnel.
2. How Often?
The testing frequency is based on the risks associated with
the use of the pipettes – the testing interval should be in
proportion with the amount of work you can afford to lose if
you find the pipettes are out of specifications.
Practices used in various labs differ greatly, but a common
testing routine is monthly or weekly, sometimes even daily.
Pipettes should also be checked each time after
autoclaving pipettes or pipette parts. A performance check
is also needed if pipette is dropped or if physical damage is
3. What Is Needed?
For In-lab testing you will need the following items:
e D 4- or 5-decimal balance with pipette calibration setup,
such as evaporation trap, or a photometer system
e D Software for calculating and recording results
e D Disposable tips, the same type as used with the pipettes
when in use
e D De-ionized water or dye solutions if photometric
measurement is used
e D Thermometer and barometer
e D Standard Operating Procedure document describing the
in-lab testing routine and the procedure for dealing with
pipettes that do not meet the acceptance criteria 4. What Acceptance Criteria Should Be Used?
The pipettes should be checked at 1 – 2 volumes, with
4 – 10 measurements each. The systematic and random error
should be compared against the limits defined either by pipette
manufacturer or ISO 8655.
5. What Are the Outcomes of the Testing?
The In-house testing routine should provide the following
e D Documented history of all your lab’s pipettes, showing their
testing interval, testing dates, and at minimum, the result if
they met the acceptance criteria or not.
e D The pipettes not meeting acceptance criteria should be
clearly marked and removed from use and forwarded to
maintenance and calibration for resolving the issue.
Are You Sure About the Volume?
– a Human Factor
To be certain that your measurements are in accordance
with the study plan and relevant SOPs, your pipette should
have a simple and unambiguous volume display with clear
digits (Fig. 4). This way, volume setting is effortless and a
quick glance is all it takes to affirm that you are using the
intended volume setting, thus keeping your mind on your
If you choose a mechanical pipette, make sure that the
volume display clearly shows all digits to ensure that volume
setting and checking doesn’t take your mind off of your
Fig 4. From left to right: Sartorius Picus® NxT electronic pipette
display, Sartorius Tacta mechanical pipette four digit volume
display, Manufacturer A mechanical pipette three digit volume
display and Manufacturer B three digit volume display. The
Sartorius pipettes unambiguously display the selected volume. The
Manufacturer A and B pipettes’ volume display use a red-black
color code to indicate the decimal separator and an analog line
indicator for the last value.
A pipette is a precision measuring apparatus that has a
significant influence on your lab results, but it can also be
your companion in ensuring compliance.
Compliant pipetting can be achieved easily by creating a
Pipetting Quality Control Program, according to industry
best practices and by equipping laboratories with Picus®
NxT electronic pipettes that can be programmed according
to SOPs and work instructions and remind users to perform
periodical maintenance and calibration.
To implement, the quality program should be documented
and controlled with SOPs for laboratory personnel. SOPs
should cover all aspects of the program, including the
continuous training of personnel to pipettes and pipetting.
Supplement 2
Calbration and Maintenance Program
Most laboratory quality systems require a regular calibration
and maintenance program for pipettes.
Today, laboratories commonly use external service
providers for this labor-intensive work that require highly
sophisticated quality systems.
1. What Should Be Done?
The pipettes should regularly be maintained according to
the manufacturer’s instructions. The maintenance consists
of cleaning and greasing of pipettes, as well as replacement
of wearable parts.
Alongside maintenance, the pipettes should have their
performance verified by calibration – measurement of
systematic and random error along with any necessary
2. How Often?
The testing frequency is based on the risks associated with
the use of the pipettes. The maintenance interval is affected
by such factors as pipetting frequency, liquids dispensed,
and the age and model of pipette.
A minimum maintenance interval of one year is suggested,
with calibration done annually or more often, such as every
3 – 6 months. If, for example, volatile liquids or solvents are
dispensed, maintenance should be done more often.
3. What Is Needed?
For a full maintenance and calibration of pipettes, the used
calibration laboratory should have at minimum:
e D Full ISO 8655 compliance, including controlled
environment in terms of temperature, vibration, and
e D Accreditation according to ISO 17025 standard with
traceability of measurements to international standards
e D Balances with a minimum of 5- and 6-decimals, along with
evaporation traps or draft shields
e D Software for recording results
e D Professionally trained technicians | engineers
understanding pipette technology and good pipetting
practices, as well as requirements set by regulatory and
quality systems. 4. What Acceptance Criteria Should Be Used:
The pipettes should be measured at 2 – 3 volumes, with 4 –
10 measurements each, with systematic and random error
calculated and compared against the acceptance limits.
Use of limits defined in ISO 8655 or by the manufacturer of
the pipettes are suggested.
5. What Are the Outcomes of the Calibration?
The Maintenance and Calibration program should provide
at minimum
e D Documented records of all maintenance and repair
activities done to the pipettes
e D Calibration certificates showing the identification of
pipettes, such as serial numbers and time of calibration,
tips used, measurement conditions, measurement
equipment, and personnel
e D Random error and systematic error should be calculated
and documented, along with acceptance criteria, such as
pass | fail limits.
Supplement 3
Best Practices for Setting up The Pipetting Quality
Control Program
To work according to Good Laboratory Practice, a Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) for Pipette Quality Control
should be defined. Below are areas that should be
described at minimum in the SOP to guide laboratory
personnel through the process:
1. For In-Lab Testing Routine, Define:
a. Testing frequency
b. Testing equipment and environment
c. Personnel qualifications to conduct testing
d. Measured volumes and aliquot quantities
e. Acceptance criteria
f. How to record and store the results
g. Actions of isolating and marking pipettes not meeting
acceptance criteria
h. Procedures for evaluating the effect of failure on the
work performed with the pipette in question
2. For Maintenance and Calibration Program, Define:
a. Requirements for a calibration laboratory, ISO 8655
and ISO 17205 at minimum
i. Testing equipment, environment and procedures
ii. Qualifications for maintenance and calibration
b. Maintenance and Calibration frequency
c. Decontamination procedures for the pipettes before
d. Volumes tested and number of measurements
e. Acceptance criteria
f. Recording and documentation systems
g. Actions of isolating and marking pipettes not meeting
acceptance criteria
h. Procedures for evaluating the effect of failure on the
work performed with the pipette in question
3. For Continuous Education of Laboratory Personnel,
a. Training program for personnel on correct pipetting
techniques and ergonomics
b. Training on quality systems and standards related to
pipettes and pipetting
c. Documentation and qualification plans for personnel
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