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Preparation of Standards –
Easier than Ever with the Sartorius Cubis
MSA Dosing System
Holger Densow*
Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG, Otto-Brenner Str. 20, 37079 Göttingen, Germany
* Correspondence
Preparation of standards, also called reference samples, of known concentrations is a common routine procedure in analytical
laboratories. Internal or external standards with very low concentrations are used in these laboratories for highly sensitive
quantitative analytical methods to exactly determine the concentration of chemical components in samples using highly
sensitive quantitative analytical procedures. June, 2017
Keywords or phrases:
Preparation of standards or solutions of defined
concentration for analytical procedures
Find out more:
Application Note
Preparation of standards of known concentrations is a com-
mon routine procedure in analytical laboratories. Internal or
external standards with very low concentrations are used in
these laboratories for highly sensitive quantitative analytical
methods to exactly determine the concentration of chemi-
cal compounds in samples. External standards are separate
samples used for comparison to test samples, whereas in-
ternal standards are added to the samples to be analyzed.
Therefore, the concentration of such standards must be as
accurate as possible to prevent subsequent errors in the
determination of unknown concentrations of compounds
in samples. Two problems can occur when standards are
manually prepared from soluble solids:
1. The solvent volume required and the compound concen-
tration desired are both used to calculate the amount of
a soluble compound to be weighed. The essential prob-
lem does not lie in the calculation itself, but rather in the
accuracy with which the amount of the solid is weighed
according to the calculated target quantity. On high-
resolution laboratory balances, it is next to impossible to
2. If the amount actually weighed does not precisely match
the target amount calculated, the solvent quantity has
to be adjusted to reach the desired final concentration.
Recalculation of the required liquid volume takes up
valuable time and is a potential source of error. Depend-
ing on the type of concentration specified, various para-
meters need to be taken into account, such as the desired
concentration, purity of the substance, amount actually
weighed and possibly even the molecular weight. For
inexperienced users, recalculation of the compound
weight is usually takes considerable time, whereas expe-
rienced users commonly find this a boring task so inad-
vertent errors can easily creep in. The Cubis ® MSA dosing system simplifies workflows in the
preparation of standards. Once the user enters the desired
concentration and volume of a standard solution, the sys-
tem automatically calculates the required amount of the
compound to weigh in and shows the target weight as a bar
graph with the minimum and maximum tolerances:
Although the user hardly ever ends up weighing the exact
amount in this case as well, the system software uses the
actual weight of the compound to recalculate the volume
of the solvent and transmits this value to the automatic
dispenser. As a result, any variations in the amount weighed
from the desired target weight will not require the user to
recalculate the volume of solvent when using the Cubis
MSA dosing system. Instead, the entire workflow can prog-
ress without any interruptions and the solvent can be auto-
matically dispensed.
After the solvent is added, the weight of the sample is de-
termined again. In this way, the Cubis
® balance verifies how
much solvent was actually added. This gravimetric monitor-
ing step is considerably more accurate than any volumetric
measurement of a solvent. Volumetric measurement proce-
dures are disadvantageous in that they do not sufficiently
allow for the effects on accuracy, such as evaporation of
highly volatile solvents, hold-up volume in tubing or pipettes,
differences in the density of solvents, etc. By contrast, gravi-
metric measurement methods deliver absolute values and
achieve the highest accuracy. At the end of the workflow,
the dosing system software calculates the exact concentra-
tion of the standard solution.
of standards, the semi-automatic system introduced in
this Application Note offers higher flexibility and saves
considerable time. Compelling reasons in favor of an open-
design system are the lower purchase costs and, by virtue
of the system’s simplicity, much lower operating and main-
tenance costs.
Although the software of the Cubis
® MSA dosing system
offers the option of managing data sets of up to 100 differ-
ent compounds, solvents and standards, this number may
be too low for analytical laboratories that routinely prepare
standards. In addition, preparation of standards is only one
step in the entire analytical procedure so centralized data
management that represents the entire process chain is
recommended. For this purpose, the software of the Cubis
MSA dosing system has an interface for the ThermoFisher
Chromeleon™* 7.2 SR4 chromatography data system that
is designed to manage chromatographic systems and per-
form data analysis.
Compared with known, fully automatic dispensing systems
on the market, the product presented in this Application
Note offers a number of decisive advantages. Fully auto-
matic systems, which take care of dispensing fine powder,
granules and homogeneous or heterogeneous mixtures,
require exact knowledge of the dispensing properties of
these substances. For example, the flowability, size, shape,
compactness, density, tendency to aggregate and electro-
static properties of the particles must either be known or
visually evaluated. Choosing the right dispensing head is
not always easy given the many different dosing parameters
that have often been only qualitatively assessed.
Beyond this, changing the equipment accessories of such
a dosing system to dispense a different compound each
time is time-consuming and expensive as various dispens-
ing heads have to be purchased. It makes sense to use such
systems only if a very high number of standards have to
be prepared. For preparation of a low or medium number
When the command “Send weighing input to scale” is
activated, data, such as the name of the standard and the
desired concentration, is transmitted to the Cubis
dosing system. The software application installed on the
balance uses this desired concentration to calculate the
amounts to be weighed, shows these values to the user for
verification and then starts the weighing and dispensing
This process is repeated until all standard samples transmit-
ted by Chromeleon have been processed. The data saved
for the standards is retrieved from the balance using the
function “Retrieve weighing result from scale” and trans-
mitted to Chromeleon. The verified concentrations of the
standards and the unit are saved by Chromeleon and used
for later evaluation. This direct communication interface
ensures the highest data integrity as there is no need for any
manual inputs, or such inputs are not possible in the first
place, in order to exchange data.
In the Chromeleon component table, the user defines the desired concentration of standard samples:
For further information, visit
Chromeleon* 7.2 SR4 enables fully automated data manage-
ment of any number of standards. Connection of the Cubis ®
MSA dosing system to Chromeleon is recommended for
extending analytical laboratories’ capabilities for automation
of workflows. Ultimately, automation signifies considerable
time savings compared with manual data exchange while
increasing process reliability.
* Dionex™ Chromeleon™ 7.2 Chromatography Data System (CDS) software is a trade mark
of company Thermo Scientific™
Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG
Otto-Brenner-Strasse 20
37079 Goettingen
Phone +49 551 308 0 USA
Sartorius Corporation
565 Johnson Avenue
Bohemia, NY 11716
Phone +1 631 254 4249
Toll-free +1 800 635 2906
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Copyright Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG.
Status: 11 | 2020
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Date d'upload du document :
vendredi 17 février 2023
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