Contenu du document
Compare gene expression profiles obtained under different conditions
Study genetic profiles from transcript to pathway level
RNA sequencing, the analysis of gene
expression profiles by next generation
sequencing (NGS), has become a pow -
erful tool to investigate the transcrip -
tome of an organism. The comparison
of two or more conditions (e.g. mutant
vs. wild type) allows the identification of
differentially expressed genes that are
up- or downregulated under a specific
condition. Typical applications include
the comparison of gene expression pro -
files between normal and cancer tissue,
cells in high and low nutrient environ -
ments, stressed and unstressed cells
or cells from distinct developmental
stages. Major prerequisites for any RNA
sequencing study are the availability of
an annotated reference genome or tran -
scriptome and sufficient numbers of bio -
logical replicates.
mRNA Sequencing for Differential Gene
Expression Analysis
Microsynth’s Competences and Services
Differential gene expression analysis by
RNA sequencing is one of Microsynth’s
core competences. Based on years of
experience, we provide a one-stop
service from experimental design to
bioinformatics analysis (see Figure 1 ).
You can either outsource the whole
process or only single steps to us. To
ensure a high reliability and accuracy of
our product, the whole RNA sequenc -
ing pipeline including the bioinformat -
ics analysis was evaluated and validated
based on RNA spike-ins designed by the
External RNA Control Consortium (ERCC).
For further information on our validation
process and possibilities to validate your
own study, please contact us.
Experimental Design
The gain and impact of a study highly
depends on its experimental design.
The use of controls as well as appropri -
ate sampling and RNA isolation methods
are only a few examples of points to con -
sider. What is important for any RNA
sequencing project is the number of
biological replicates. To obtain statisti -
cally valid results for a differential gene
expression analysis, we usually advise
to include at least three biological rep -
licates per condition. Make use of our
experience – our NGS specialists are
happy to assist you from the start.
RNA Isolation
You can either perform the extraction
yourself or outsource this critical step to
us. Microsynth has extensive experience
in RNA isolation from various demand -
ing tissues and matrices.
Figure 1. Microsynth's workflow for RNA sequencing projects. The workflow can be entered and exited at
various steps dependent on the customer's requirements.
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSch?tzenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41fi71fi722fi83 33 ? Fax + 41fi71fi722fi87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY Application Note ? Next Generation Sequencing
Example Results
The major outcomes of the differen -
tial gene expression analysis are the
observed fold changes for each gene
together with statistical measures and
the normalized counts per sample (see
Figure 2A ). Statistics for all genes are
additionally summarized in an interac -
tive table together with boxplots visu -
alizing the observed fold changes (see
Figure 2B ). The interactive table allows
you to sort the data by any represented
measure or to search for specific features
of interest.
Library Preparation and Sequencing
Following a quality check of the RNA,
we will either perform poly(A) enrich -
ment or ribosomal RNA (rRNA) depletion,
depending on the organism or the target
RNA to be studied. This step is essential
since total RNA includes a large fraction
of rRNA and other non-mRNA species and
sequencing should be restricted to mRNA
to avoid losses in sequencing depth. A
stranded Illumina cDNA library is created
by reverse transcription including the
ligation of sequencing adaptors with
barcodes. Finally, the libraries are pooled
and sequenced on the Illumina NextSeq
platform with a typical single-end read
length of 75 bp. The sequencing depth
per sample highly depends on the
studied organisms and the desired sen -
sitivity. Benchmarks for complex eukar -
yotic genomes (e.g. human, rat, mouse)
are 100-150 million reads for high sensi -
tivity and 20-30 million reads for typical
sensitivity. Prokaryotic genomes require
approximately 5-fold less reads.
Bioinformatics Analysis
After quality control, the sequenc -
ing reads are mapped to the reference
genome using the software Salmon [1]
or STAR [2], which both address the diffi -
culty of mapping spliced reads. As input
for statistical analysis the reads that
uniquely map to a gene are counted. The
identification of differentially expressed
genes is performed by specialized statis -
tical software such as DESeq2 [3]. Read
counts are normalized, and the vari -
ance based on the replicates per con -
dition is calculated. Finally statistical
testing is applied to identify differentially
expressed genes that are significantly
up- or downregulated.
For organisms with available pathway
information, a complementary service is
provided identifying significantly up- or
downregulated pathways (Gene ontol -
ogy and KEGG classification).
Figure 2. Summary tables resulting from the dif -
ferential gene expression analysis. 2A. Excerpt of a
table summarizing the results of the analysis for two
conditions with three replicates each. ID: gene ID;
baseMean: average number of read counts; log2FC:
log2 transformed fold change between conditions;
lfcSE: standard error of log fold change; p-value:
Wald test p-value; padj: p-value adjusted for multi -
ple testing. 2B. The statistical results are also avail -
able as an interactive html-table allowing sorting
and searching for specific features.
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Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSch?tzenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41fi71fi722fi83 33 ? Fax + 41fi71fi722fi87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY Application Note ? Next Generation Sequencing
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For each comparison in the differen -
tial gene expression analysis, various
graphs are provided for an easy and
visual overview of the results (see Figure
3). The graphs include MA plots visualiz -
ing the distribution of the differentially
expressed genes, heatmaps for sample
to sample distances and the top up- and
downregulated genes as well as principal
component analysis plots.
Figure 3. Examples of provided overview plots. 3A. MA-plot visualizing the distribution of differentially expressed genes by plotting the mean expression against the
log fold change. 3B. Principle Component Analysis plot to visualize sample clustering. 3C. Heatmap showing sample to sample distances for given conditions. 3D.
Heatmap displaying the 30 most upregulated genes. A similar heatmap is provided for the most downregulated genes, both allowing an easy identification of puta -
tive candidate genes.
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSch?tzenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41ff71ff722ff83 33 ? Fax + 41ff71ff722ff87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY Application Note ? Next Generation Sequencing
[1] Patro, R., Duggal, G., Love, M. I., Irizarry, R. A., & Kingsford, C. (2017). Salmon provides fast and bias-aware quantification of transcript expression. Nature Methods.
[2] Dobin et al. (2013) STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner. Bioinformatics 29, 15–21.
[3] Love et al. (2014) Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Genome Biol 15.
The results for the complementary
pathway analysis include graphical rep -
resentations of the up- and downreg -
ulated pathways for both gene ontol -
ogy and KEGG terms (see Figure 4 ). The
pathway analysis module is available for
most common model organisms such as
human, mouse, rat or E. coli . Information
is provided for all genes involved in a
pathway count and log fold change,
allowing a more detailed analysis of the
identified pathways.
Figure 4. Graphical output of the pathway analysis module. 4A. Excerpt from a network graph for upregulated pathways where colored nodes represent significantly
upregulated gene ontology terms. 4B. Detail of a KEGG pathway analysis result. Both are available for up- and downregulated pathways.
Related Services
For the analysis of the small RNA frac -
tion (e.g. microRNA) of an organism,
please refer to our small RNA sequenc -
ing service. If you are interested in the
transcriptional analysis of whole micro -
bial communities, our shotgun meta -
transcriptomics service offers an attrac -
tive solution.
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSch?tzenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41fl71fl722fl83 33 ? Fax + 41fl71fl722fl87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY Application Note ? Next Generation Sequencing
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mardi 24 mai 2022