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Search for virulence and resistance genes and check for mutations
Validate your bacterial production stem
Characterize microbial isolates by MLST
Due to the emergence of powerful next
generation sequencing (NGS) technol -
ogies, it has never been easier to rese -
quence whole genomes. In case a fully
annotated reference genome exists,
resequencing may be used to compare
differences between genomes of indi -
viduals from the same species (please
see our de novo service if no reference
exists). Using results from such measure -
ments, researchers may search for viru -
lance, resistance and toxin genes, study
inherited or acquired mutations and
characterize microbial isolates by multi
locus sequence typing. Besides offering
our customers state-of-the-art NGS plat -
forms, Microsynth has also made signif -
icant investments in the bioinformatics
analysis area. This application note will
give you an overview of Microsynth’s
various services in the field of micro -
bial resequencing as well as its possible
impact on your research.
Resequencing of Prokaryotic Organisms
Microsynth’s Competences and Services
With more than 10 years of experience in
the field of next generation sequencing,
one of Microsynth’s core competences
is to provide high quality one-stop ser -
vices from experimental design to bio -
informatics analysis. You may either out -
source the entire analysis or only single
steps to us as illustrated in Figure 1 .
Experimental Design
Microsynth’s NGS specialists will help
you define suitable experimental setups
for your resequencing projects and
discuss possible strategies to address
your research questions.
DNA Isolation
You may either perform the DNA extrac -
tion yourself or outsource this critical
step to Microsynth. We have long-stand -
ing experience in processing various
sample matrices and DNA/RNA sources.
Library Preparation and Sequencing
Following a quality check of your
samples, Microsynth will construct
Illumina libraries including specific
adaptors with barcodes. Depending on
the experimental design, the libraries are
pooled and sequenced on the Illumina
NextSeq 500/550 platform. By offer -
ing datapackages for this service, flex -
ible sequencing of any sample number
is possible.
Figure 1. Microsynth’s workflow for resequencing projects. The workflow can be entered and exited at various
steps depending on the requirements of the customer.
Resequencing AnalysisProject Output:
DNA Isolation
Library Preparation
Illumina Sequencing
Option I:
Option II:
Isolated DNA
Project Input:
Report Generation
Option III:
Experimental Design
Option I:
Library Prep only
Option II:
Raw Data only
Option III:
Full Report
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSch?tzenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41ff71ff722ff83 33 ? Fax + 41ff71ff722ff87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY Application Note ? Next Generation Sequencing
Example Results
Bioinformatics Analysis
Sequencing reads are quality filtered and
mapped against the reference genome of
the organism to be studied. After further
refinement based on best practices, pos -
sible single nucleotide variations (SNVs)
and small insertions and deletions
(InDels) are detected and annotated (see
Table 1 ). One or multiple variant callers
may be used at once, thus searching in
a sensitive or specific way depending on
the goals of the study. Whole genome
sequencing (WGS) data may also be used
for Multi Locus Sequence Type (MLST )
microbial isolates using predefined loci
and reference databases (see Figure 2 ). If
there is no prior knowledge, sequenced
reads may be de novo assembled and
predicted genes are screened against
community accepted database contain -
ing resistance, virulence and toxin genes
(see Table 2 ).
Beside the sequencing raw data and the
output of the bioinformatics analysis,
a user-friendly summary report is pro -
Provided Output Files:
Raw data: Fastq
Mapping: BAM/BAI files
Variant calling, protein consequences:
VCF (for each sample separately) and
HTML (includes all samples).
Table 1. SNV und InDels - Typical output overview file (HTML) resulting from the variant calling step for SNVs and small InDels. For each sample and chromosome/
contig, the SNV and small InDels are reported separately and the effect of SNVs and small InDels for all annotated features of the reference genome are shown. Besides
the html format the data are also given in tab separated format (to import into Excel) and as vcf.
Figure 2. MLST subtree: As an illustrative example, a small subtree of all phy -
logenetic profiles stored on the PubMLST database [3] of the Cronobacter
sequence type is depicted. A customer sample would be placed into its appro -
priate phylogenetic context to determine its exact sequence type or its next
Sam ple _ID R esis ta n ce g e n es V ir u le n ce g e n es T o xin g e n es
Sa m ple _1 f o sB 1 - -
S a m ple _2 - a stA 1 -
Sa m ple _3 - -TR I1
Table 2. Exemplary cut-out of a table with screening results for resistance, viru -
lence and toxin genes.
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSch?tzenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41ff71ff722ff83 33 ? Fax + 41ff71ff722ff87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY Application Note ? Next Generation Sequencing
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Date d'upload du document :
mardi 24 mai 2022